Friday, February 11, 2005

School Days

From a survey to which 1,075 Sonoma State University freshmen responded:

82% come from public schools and 18% from private schools

Their political views are far left (4%), liberal (36%),
middle-of-the-road (39%), conservative (19%) or far right (1%)

The US Department of Education's Private Schools: a Brief Portrait says there were 5.3 million k-12 students enrolled in 27,000 private schools in 2002. US public school enrollment in 2002 was 47,781,413; 9% of k-12 students were enrolled in private schools, half the ratio we find at SSU, part of the California State University system, one of the least expensive four-year systems in the nation (if not the least expensive). It leaves me wondering, why the disparity?

I haven't seen the survey to which they responded, but my guess is they were asked to identify their political views using one of these labels. Beyond that, I'm not inclined to speculate on what any of this means.
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